Chase Your Dreams





The past three months have been a whirl wind.  Nobody tells you that leaving a company after six years is exhausting and drains you in more ways than one.  This explains why my friends recommended that I take a week off to relax before transitioning into a new job.  Should have listened to them.

The first two months of my new job have been fantastic.  Following my passion has been the most exhilarating thing I’ve done.  I recommend doing the same.  It’s scary, at times uncomfortable, to think about and take the steps to making a drastic change.  Don’t let fear stop you.  Don’t let it slow you down.  Chase your dreams! 

I finally get to experience the popular saying, “if you do what you love you’ll never work a day in your life.”

I love what I do.  Everyday.

This month is stuffed to the gills with an event every single night, lunch dates, and a speaking gig on a social media panel.  When you open yourself up to the world, the world opens up to you.

I’m lucky to be surrounded by so many passionate and talented people every single day.  


P.S. Thanks for this inspiring tweet, Jim!